From Chaos to Calm: A Year of Learning and Sharing About Autism Support

Hi everyone, if you don't know me, I'm Nancy! As an RDI consultant, I'm passionate about helping people understand and support individuals on the autism spectrum. Today, I want to reflect on the past year and share some insights I've gained.

A Year of Growth and Sharing:

It's been a year since I started this online journey, and I'm grateful for the connections I've made. Initially, I focused on supporting parents through webinars, community training and online groups. However, I've noticed a need for broader understanding as professionals continue to reach out, seeking guidance on how to support autistic children and youth in school and beyond. I've had the opportunity to train EAs and paraprofessionals and discovered a deep need within the education space for clarity, new perspectives and effective approaches. This is why I’ve decided to expand my work to support everyone who works with autistic individuals, not just parents.

Why We Need a Different Approach:

The rise in autism diagnoses highlights the urgent need for new perspectives. We can't continue using outdated strategies that focus solely on behaviour control. These approaches don’t work, and they can even cause harm. It's time to prioritize quality of life for autistic individuals.

My Mission:

I'm dedicated to sharing the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) approach, combined with my experience and a sprinkle of optimism! And knowing that my mission is to support ANYONE who is involved with an Autistic child to learn a new way.. and to go from Chaos to Calm. 

My goal is to empower anyone working with or parenting an autistic child to learn new ways of fostering calm and positive interactions while encouraging social engagement, growth and development.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • Quality of Life: Everyone wants autistic individuals to experience joy, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships. This is the foundation of effective support. I'm focused on helping everyone who works with autistic children and youth to developing skills and tools that improve quality of life, not compliance.

  • Understanding Behaviour: Behaviour is communication! Learning to decode the "why" behind behaviour allows us to develop better support strategies.

  • Crisis Mindset & Mindful Strategies: We all experience stress, but for those supporting autistic individuals, it can be overwhelming. I love to share strategies for managing stress and maintaining your well-being as a caregiver.

  • Social Communication: Effective communication is a crucial life skill. Using RDI principles, I provide practical tips and strategies to support the long-term learning process, not just skill acquisition.

  • Simplicity and Realism: The world can be challenging for neurotypical folks. When you add autism or other neurodiverse profiles into the mix, it can make life feel overwhelming and unmanageable. I offer a practical and realistic approach to navigating these complexities, an approach that works for children and their families.

Looking Forward:

This past year has been a journey of learning and growth, with its share of successes and lessons. I'm excited about new projects in the pipeline and continuing to learn and share. Remember, life is a continuous learning process, not a destination.

Join the Conversation:

Do you want to move from chaos to calm? Do you want to learn new ways to support an autistic individual? Are you open to trying something different?

Join my email list to connect with me on a journey of learning and transformation and be the first to know about upcoming workshops or events. Let's create a world where understanding and support empowers autistic individuals to thrive.


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